A broad range of assistance is offered to new businesses by Federal, State and territory governments. The following pages contain useful links that will provide you with more business information, grants, services and support from across government to help your business succeed.
Council is supporting businesses of all sizes, in all sectors, and at every stage of development.
Visit Fairfield City HQ for business advice and referral to business advisors.

Did you know that up to 40 per cent of businesses affected by a natural or human-caused disaster never reopen? Natural disasters such as flood, fire and earthquakes can strike without warning. Even if you are not directly affected by a disaster, your suppliers or buyers may be affected, or road closures elsewhere may reduce traffic to your area and reduce sales. Emergency management planning is more than just planning for natural disasters, it can help your business survive through any emergency. Planning for the impact of an emergency rather than the emergency itself will give your business a greater chance of survival. Emergency management plans are a requirement of work health and safety legislation in most states and territories.
Read more about how to prepare your business for the impact of natural hazards, human-caused hazards or technology related hazards.