Fairfield City Council is part of the Small Business Friendly Council Initiative through Service NSW. This initiative provides us with resources to help you. The resources include information, workshops and networking opportunities. Service NSW Business is a free service that includes a digital platform and a personalised Business Concierge phone service. This over-the-phone business support can help business owners with a range of steps including:
- Applying for outdoor dining
- Liquor licensing
- Understanding all work, health and safety requirements
Whether you are already running a business or an aspiring entrepreneur, this service will help you start, run and grow your small business faster and more easily.
Follow the link to make contact with a business concierge:

Find all the latest resources to start or grow your business in the one place:
- Add your business to our free online business directory and maximise your online exposure
- Find information on grants, funding and support
- Find local jobs in the job portal
Ready to level-up your business? Visit the Fairfield City Business website for more information.
Council is a proud partner in the Zero Barriers initiative. Zero Barriers is a free business and service support project that aims to eliminate barriers for people with disability when shopping, using services or participating in activities in their local communities. Council is working to connect local businesses and services with the initiative to create a more accessible community.
Want to know how to make your business more accessible? Learn more about Council’s partnership with Zero Barriers.
If you are looking to start or grow your business, there is a range of support and resources available.
Download a copy of our business support directory(PDF, 67KB).
Government Support
Australian Government - Support for Businesses
The Australian Government's business website features a range of information, grants, services and support services from across government to help your business succeed. For more information, please visit www.business.gov.au.
NSW Treasury
The NSW Treasury drives the economic development strategy to guide the State's growth for the benefit of the people who live, work and study in NSW. For more information, please visit www.treasury.nsw.gov.au.
NSW Small Business Commissioner
The NSW Small Business Commissioner helps to resolve issues affecting small businesses and provide resources, strategic advice and low cost mediation services. For more information, please visit www.smallbusiness.nsw.gov.au.
NSW Government - Business Connect
Business Connect is a dedicated and personalised program that provides trusted advice to help you start, run, adapt or grow your small business. You can access their network of business advisors for one-on-one advice to help you achieve your business goals and tackle immediate and long-term challenges. For more information, please visit Business Connect.
Service NSW
Service NSW provides information on relevant regulations, business guidance on grants, and tailored business advice from a business advisor. For more information visit Service NSW.
Government Bodies
Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman - Small Business Portal
The Small Business Data Portal brings together the latest statistics about small businesses and family enterprises and their contribution to the Australian economy.
For more information, please visithttps://www.asbfeo.gov.au/small-business-data-portal.
NSW Fair Trading
NSW Fair Trading is part of the Department of Customer Service whose role is to make doing business in NSW simple, accessible and fair for employees, consumers and industry while providing the best value for government. NSW Fair Trading provides a range of information on government licences and permits to help you start and run your business. They also have a number of guides available for businesses to explain requirements under the Australian Consumer Law. For more information, please visit NSW Fair Trading.
Fair Work Ombudsman
The Fair Work Ombudsman is responsible for ensuring compliance with workplace laws. Their work includes:
- Providing education, assistance, advice and guidance to employers, employees, outworkers, outworker entities and organisations;
- Promote and monitor compliance with workplace laws;
- Inquire into and investigate breaches of the Fair Work Act;
- Take appropriate enforcement action; and
- Perform statutory functions efficiently, effectively, economically and ethically.
For more information, please visit www.fairwork.gov.au.
Australian Taxation Office
The Australian Taxation Office's (ATO) role is to effectively manage and shape the tax and superannuation systems that support and fund services for Australians, including:
- Collecting revenue;
- Administering the goods and services tax (GST) on behalf of the Australian states and territories;
- Administering a range of programs that provide transfers and benefits to the community;
- Administering the major aspects of Australia’s superannuation system; and
- Being custodian of the Australian Business Register.
For more information, please visit www.ato.gov.au.
Australian Apprenticeship
The Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) is your first point of contact for all queries about apprenticeships. For more information, please visit www.australianapprenticeships.gov.au.
SafeWork NSW
SafeWork NSW acts as NSW's workplace health and safety regulator. They offer advice on improving work health and safety, provide licences and registration for potentially dangerous work, investigate workplace incidents and enforce work health and safety laws in NSW. For more information, please visit www.safework.nsw.gov.au.
Independent and Peak Bodies
Western Sydney Business Centre
Western Sydney Business Centre provides services to small businesses where experienced advisors can meet you face-to-face or at your place of business or conduct meetings via online methods. Their advisors are experienced professionals with access to lots of resources and will facilitate a process that will help you improve your business. For more information, please visit www.wsbusiness.com.au.
Cabramatta Chamber of Commerce
The Chamber provides a range of services to local businesses including networking opportunities with other businesses and stakeholders; represent the local business community in dealings with the local Council, government departments and other entities; and provides a forum for open discussions on local community issues, updates and achievements. For more information, please visit www.cabramattachamberofcommerce.com.au.
Fairfield Chamber of Commerce
The Chamber provides a range of services to local businesses including networking opportunities with other businesses and stakeholders; represent the local business community in dealings with the local Council, government departments and other entities; and provides a forum for open discussions on local community issues, updates and achievements. For more information, please visit the Fairfield Chamber of Commerce website.
Western Sydney Business Connection
The Western Sydney Business Connection (WSBC) is a not-for-profit organisation that provides tools and resources to facilitate business growth. They have workshops, webinars, newsletters and publication library to give you the tools to reach your potential. The WSBC has also partnered with Matthews Folbigg Lawyers to ensure businesses have easy access to legal support and proper governance. For more information, please visit www.wsbc.org.au.
Settlement Services International
Settlement Services International (SSI) is a community organisation and social business that supports newcomers and other Australians to achieve their full potential. They work with all people who have experienced vulnerability, including refugees, people seeking asylum and culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities to build capacity and enable them to overcome inequality. For more information visit www.ignite.ssi.org.au.
Google Business
Google has a range of business resources to help grow your business online. For more information, please visit Google Business.